Work centres

A Work centre represents a piece of equipment, machinery or any type of resource that is used to manufacture goods. Examples of Work centres include a drill, lathe, moulding machine, oven or assembly bench.

The manufacturing process for every item that you make can be broken down into distinct steps, each of which requires a piece of equipment or manufacturing resource to complete. For example, to manufacture a gardening tool, the following steps may be required:

  • Cut steel
  • Weld parts together
  • Galvanise
  • Paint
  • Package finished tool

By defining a list of the available Work centres in your business, you are able to break up your Work orders up into steps or routes - each of which uses a specific Work centre. Once a Work order has been defined in terms of the Work centres required to complete the Work order, Accentis Enterprise can then provide information on Work centre usage, availability and scheduling.

Work centres can also be used to represent external contractors that may be involved in the manufacturing process, such as a paint shop or galvanising service. Such Work centres can then be used in routings for a manufactured item just as if they were done in-house.